North America's Galapagos

meet the author

Corinne Heyning Laverty


Corinne Heyning Laverty is a research associate and fellow at the Natural History Museum, Los Angeles County, an associate of the Santa Cruz Island Foundation and a member of the All Eight Club, a geographic organization that tracks the people who have ever set foot on all eight Channel Islands (of which there have only been 223). Her work has appeared in Lonely Planet, Western North American Naturalist, Eco Traveler, WhaleWatcher, Pacific Currents and Hippocampus Magazine, among other publications. The California State Library System in conjunction with California Governor Gavin Newsom's office, have honored Corinne by selecting North America's Galapagos: The Historic Channel Islands Biological Survey to be part of an exhibit of noteworthy California books to be displayed in the historic Governor's Mansion in Sacramento, CA. At the conclusion of the exhibit, Corinne's book will become part of the State's permanent collection.


My local Manhattan Beach bookstore is selling North America’s Galapagos: The Historic Channel Islands Biological Survey. Support this independent bookstore by purchasing your copy here.

{pages} a bookstore, Linda McLoughlin Figel  904 Manhattan Ave. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  (310) 318-0900 – Store (310) 962-5185 – Cell

{pages} a bookstore, Linda McLoughlin Figel
904 Manhattan Ave. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310) 318-0900 – Store (310) 962-5185 – Cell


Awards & Publications


Los angeles times lists North america’s galapagos as best seller, March 22, 2020


California Historical Society Book Award, Finalist 2015 and 2016

Islands of Discovery, Unfulfilled Dreams and Lost Treasures: The True Story of the Aborted 1939–1941 Channel Islands Biological Survey


Santa Barbara Independent, How we know what we know about the channel islands, august 20, 2020


Author interview on youtube with nancy pearlman, Environmental Directions, APRIL 2, 2020


Author interview with the university of utah press


The Beach Reporter, How a South Bay woman became an expert on the Channel Islands, Feb 14, 2020


Lonely Planet’s Quick Guide to California’s Channel Island, August 15, 2019


Hippocampus Magazine, With Dogs as My Shepherd, December 2015


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